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This could have been done a long time ago. Now that it is over two years later many will wonder why he spent so much money to keep this information from the public and why hadn't he released it earlier? And understandably so. The answer from our President is that there are pressing issues now and he doesn't want this to be a distraction. Which is fair enough but weren't there pressing issues during his campaign and afterwards. What a waste of time and issue when this could have been dealt with well before now.

I don't praise Trump for this victory. I am glad that somebody in the limelight got it out in the open but really it is "We the people..." that should be thanked for continually asking the question even through being called racists and the worst kinds of names. "We the people..." got the President to release his certificate not Trump. Trump is but a part of the puzzle of "We the people..." that demanded our President to release his birth certificate.

VVN's most popular post of all time is Snopes.com changes hospital of Obama's birth 90 minutes after WND.COM article but has no conclusive evidence of correction according to Wikipedia. with almost 16000 hits. You combine all the other "small business" bloggers and sites like WND.COM this issue was kept alive not by Trump but many concerned citizens. You can thank "We the people..." for this victory. By the way VVN stayed away from conspiracy theories and stuck with the facts. As you will note by all the links in the above link.

Here is Obama's press statement about the birth certificate.

And here is what has been demanded for release for over two years going on three now.

Now I understand this may not settle the issue for many and we shouldn't be blindly believing everything we see on the internet but this is a step that our President should have taken a long time ago and it clearly is a step in the right direction in transparency. And for that we must give credit to our President.

Now let "We the people..." have at it and make up their own decisions and see what comes about all this. VVN will continue to report the facts if anything else arises out of this issue.

I hope this is the last post VVN will have to post on this issue but in all fairness and objective journalism VVN will remain open. Again for an excellent history of this issue see VVN's most popular post of all time is Snopes.com changes hospital of Obama's birth 90 minutes after WND.COM article but has no conclusive evidence of correction according to Wikipedia.

Update (minutes later): The image of certificate I found at CNN. 

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